Global Equities
12% p.a.
3+ Years
DivGro is an equities growth fund powered by fast rising dividends. They are the go-to home for investors seeking above average returns that are easier to hold. The DivGro system has predicted and captured 131 consecutive dividend increases at an average rate of 15.48%.
The Fund operates a dividend growth strategy, selecting the most outstanding global companies with fast rising dividends. Over time it is expected that the rate of growth in the dividends of their portfolio holdings will translate into a similar rate of growth in stock prices, creating substantial capital growth. The DivGro Fund makes quarterly distributions to investors and expects to increase the distributions every year. The frequent receipt of cash provides a valuable positive feedback loop that helps investors retain conviction over the long-term, especially in times of higher volatility, making it easier to maintain composure and remain invested to achieve excellent long-term results.
Global Equities
12% p.a.
3+ Years